Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me XD

Today's my Birthday~~
Muahahaha =)
20years old already..
I'm not a teenager anymore..
I'm a big lady now..
1. Hope my family and friends will stay happy and healthy forever and ever.. Love u guys alot.. Muacks
2. Hope that my career will success one day and have lots of mony to support my baby and myself..
3. SECRET~ Muahahahaha XD
Had fun last night..
Thanks to my babes, sweeties, Buddies, Bros, Sisters for attending my party last night..
Hehehe =)
Love all of u guys d presents..
Heart u guys so much..
Thats all for today..

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Hairstyle

I cut my hair already..
Cut it by myself thou~
Hehehehe =)
I'm pretty damn sure i love my hair..
And and~
Sorry bout yesterday..
Coz too angry already tats why will say all those stupid things..
Evrytime only know how to make u angry..
Really very sorry leh~
I still will wait for u d..
Till then~

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rest In Peace Sultan of Johor

JOHOR BARU: Sultan of Johor Almutawakkil Al-Allah Sultan Iskandar ibni Al-marhum Sultan Ismail, passed away at 7.15pm yesterday.

He was 77.
Menteri Besar Datuk Ghani Othman made the announcement on TV3 at 11.20pm.
He also announced that the new ruler would be proclaimed before the burial at 2pm today.

Ghani, who was in Chennai earlier as part of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s entourage to India, had returned home on a special flight.

The body of Sultan Iskandar was transported from Puteri Specialist Hospital to Istana Besar at 11.15pm.

It was accompanied by members of the Johor royalty, state exco members and state religious department officers.

The ambulance was escorted by police and Johor Military Force personnel to Istana Besar for final rites.


Ghani also announced that the people could pay their last respects at Istana Besar from 9am to 10.30am today while VIPs would be able to do so from 11am to noon.

Those wishing to pay their last respects will have to adhere to the respective dress codes.

Sultan Iskandar will be buried at the Mahmoodiah Royal Mausoleum at 2pm.

The menteri besar also announced a seven-day mourning period for the people of Johor and 40 days for the royal family.

The national and state flags will also be lowered to half mast for a period of seven days.

Sultan Iskandar was admitted to Johor Specialist Hospital late on Thursday for an unspecified illness.

He had undergone a coronary bypass operation in the United States in 2000 and had a bout of bronchitis in January 2008, which saw him being admitted and treated at the hospital.

Earlier in the day, the head of the Johor Council of the Royal Court, Tunku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, announced the appointment of Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail as the regent.

“The Council of the Royal Court hereby decided under Clause 9(1)(b) and 9(2) First Section of the Johor State Constitution 1895, after receiving the medical report from three medical specialists, to appoint Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismail ibni Sultan Iskandar,Tunku Mahkota Johor, as the regent to carry out the duty of the ruler during the illness of Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Iskandar,” he had said at Istana Besar.

The brief solemn ceremony was held at the banquet hall of Istana Besar at 5.15pm.
Tunku Ibrahim, 51, was flanked by his son, Raja Muda of Johor Tunku Ismail and brother, Tunku Bendahara Johor Tunku Abdul Majid, when he took the oath of appointment.

Also present were State Legislative assembly Speaker Datuk Mohd Ali Hassan and state executive council members.

This is not the first time Tunku Ibrahim was appointed regent.

He was first appointed to the post on April 25, 1984 when Sultan Iskandar was appointed the eighth Yang di- Pertuan Agong.

He was installed as the Tunku Mahkota of Johor on July 3, 1981 at
the age of 22.

Tunku Ibrahim is married to Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah and they have five sons and two daughters.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Just now a customer came in and wanted to buy aircond..
She's really pretty...
She bought her aircond thou..
She's Fair and thin.. Not like me.. Fat and dark.. LOL~~
She stays at molek..
Really really very pretty lar..
Plus i saw her tattoo at the back..
Nice tattoo too..
I want to be like her lar.....
And another customer very funny...
Haaaa =)
He push the trolley out coz nid to put his compressor in his car..
Normally nid the back of the trolley to go down 1st..
He just straight push down..
Then his compressor all drop down..
I keep laughing only..
And his boss is my friend.. LOL~
Plays facebook too..
Muahahahahaha =)
( Too boring edi so i blog about my customers..)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010





拥有了爱情,就别去碰暧昧  感情泛滥成灾,暧昧铺天盖地,多少男女迷失在了这个圈子里,爱和暧,同音,意义却相差万里。一辈子,两个人,一直到老,似乎 所有相爱的人都是这样想的,也在通过不断努力逐步的实现着最初的梦想。相处的过程中可能会遇到各种突如其来的状况,而那些都不是最可怕的,因为只要彼此之 间爱的足够深刻,所有的问题都是会迎刃而解的。有爱在,不用怕。

蠢蠢欲动的寂寞,燥动的感情一触即发。站在世俗之外,爱的透明,清晰可见。仿佛只有感情才真正值得去追求,其它的东西都如同过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。于 是,一颗颗不安份的心便开始寻找可以不再孤独的安身之所。当两个想爱的人走到一起,就便成了相爱。可在很多时候,拥有一个人,一段感情,是并不能满足自己 对爱的需求的。在一起久了,难免会感到枯燥乏味。新鲜感虽然不能决定一切,可还是会影响到对感情自制力很差的人。背叛,很严重的词汇,也是爱情里面致命的 伤。

爱情是不能分享的,每一对情侣都希望自己能成为彼此生命中的唯一,一生的主题。自私但不自利,虽然有时会因为看不惯对方的不在意而大动干戈,但谁又能 说那不是爱的体现呢?很多时候爱是自私的,更多时候,爱是伟大的,无怨无悔的付出,奋不顾身的牺牲,不都是在爱情里最常见的吗?没有谁可以容忍自己的另一 半去和别人卿卿我我,爱的越深,在意的程度就越大。为了捍卫纯洁的爱情不受外来者的侵犯,往往我们都是会不惜成本的,即使伤害到别人。最遗憾的不是自己爱 的人爱上了别人,也不是不爱了自己,而是明明是相爱的,却把感情一分为二,或者更多的份,还口口声声的说只是暧昧,不是感情,更不是爱,这是很让人怒发冲 冠且难以接受的,在我的眼里对暧昧的理解就是,暧昧,说白了,其实就是一种掩饰。一个人可以和很多人暧昧,但却是不可以爱着很多人的,暧昧是一个很好的借 口。

如果我说我感情着几个人,我都很喜欢她们,甚至是爱她们,你一定会用花心去形容我,并且会鄙视我。但若是我说,我和很多人暧昧着,那么,你的情绪表现 的就不是很激动了。暧昧就是一种待确定的感情,可以随时随地的随便的开始,也可以随时随地的随便的结束,相对爱而言,是不用承受太多的压力的,但得到的却 都是一样的。同样是感情,叫法不一样就免去了很多麻烦和心理负担,何乐不为呢?可能,这就是很多人宁可去暧昧也不愿意去谈情的原因吧。

虽然暧昧着是轻松的,但最后造成的伤害一样是那么的撕心裂肺。人的感情是很难控制的一种东西,心口之所以不能如一,就是因为不想欺骗自己的感情,又不 想隐瞒真实的感受。暧昧是糖,甜到忧伤,在众多的经典语录里面,对这两句,我尤其的记忆犹新。暧昧永远都没有爱情重要,但请记得,如果一个人真正的爱你, 是不会和你去暧昧的。如果你也爱一个人,请不要去和别人暧昧,因为那样会伤害到你们之间得来不易的爱情,也会伤害到其他人。暧昧只能填补内心一时的空虚, 是长久不了的,是有百害而无一利的。一份美好的爱情,是容不下一丁点的欺骗和虚伪的,但更容不下的是暧昧。

Monday, January 18, 2010

一个字 " 闷 "

I'm back again~
Deleted the old blog and created a new one..
I've really got nothing to do and since i'm so FREE in the office..
So i started to BLOG again..
Oh My God~
It's boring and there's no customer..
Waiting for DC to reply my msgs but i think his busy or sleeping~
I've been smsing him for 2 weeks already..
Chatting with him taking on the phone~
Blah everything i guess.. Haaa~~
And i'm giving birth next month already..
Fast right?? I know ^^
My uncle still haven't check what name to give her..
Which date i have to do operation also..
Mostly is before CNY lar..
Cause it's tiger year..
They say not good plus my baby is a girl..
So not really very good for her..
Hahaha =)
I think that's all for now first..
I'll blog again when i have nothing to do..